Share Your Story – Help Others Know They’re Not Alone!

Go ahead… tell me your story.

Tell me about the challenges you’re having or the challenges your friends are having.

You can also tell me about some crazy-cool thing you or your child has experienced using social media. I also encourage you to share any advice, tips or strategies that have helped you through any difficult or awkward situations.

I want to hear from you!


Shawn Edgington

*required field
Name: *
E-mail: *
Age of person involved: *
State or Country where occurred: *
Ask a question or share a story:
(2000 character maximum): *

Please Note: Stories or questions that are shared through email or through may be used by us as real-life examples of technology know-how. While form submissions through are not anonymous, we will never share any personal or identifying information provided to us. For example, we like to use first name, age and state in which you live.