Rutgers Suicide and Cyberbullying

The recent suicide of a Rutgers student brings the issue of cyberbullying into the news again. According to one recent poll, 70% of teens admit to cyberbullying someone else, and 39% admit to using social network sites to bully online.

America’s leading Texpert, Shawn Marie Edgington says “The use and abuse of technology is increasing at an alarming rate leaving a wake of destruction behind. ‘Not my child’ is what  parents want to believe, but these statistics show there are many teens, including college students of  prestigious colleges, participating in the racy trend of cyberbullying. “ Edgington will help parents understand pro-active measures they can take to help protect kids against cyber bullies. Shawn Marie Edgington is the author of “Read Between the Lines: A Humorous Guide to Texting with Simplicity and Style.” She’s an entrepreneur, speaker, CEO of a national insurance brokerage and the creator of the One-Click Safety Kit.

CONTACT: Shawn Marie Edgington, (925) 249-2850 (CA);;